La navigation au doigt et à l’oeil

At CEATEC there were also several « head mounted displays », glasses that project informations directly on the lenses.
We have heard about the Google glasses, but Docomo offers more. Their glasses also feature augmented reality, you’re able to project onto almost any surface, files stored in the cloud and also access sites where you can surf using a ring. A video is available here.
But the magic is that… these glasses do also instant translation of kanji and other Japanese alphabets, very useful for foreign visitors to Tokyo (like me).
Other applications are discussed, such as the identification of persons for internet dating sites or GPS navigation: when you will wander in Japan, you’ll be able to have informations on what’s around you, « the Tokyo tower: tower measuring 332.6 meters high making it one of the tallest metal towers in the world. The building weighs 4000 tons. Construction starts in 1957 and ends in 1958.  » Futur is coming.

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